Tuesday 7 August 2012

Weekend fun
On the weekend Aoi and I went bowling with many others Aoi got a STRIKE and I won the first game overall.
Love the bowling shoes!!
On Sunday we went to Stacey's nana's farm with Dearn, Stacey, Kie and Shayne. We climbed up the hill and looked out over all the paddocks, then we went down and patted the horses, after that we went inside for lunch. After lunch we fed the lambs. Their tail's wagged really fast and hard. Aoi liked feeding the lambs.
Aoi and Kie on the farm

Stacey's nana took us on the motorbike. It was really funny 'cause the motorbike got stuck LOL. Stacey ditched to get her grandad to get the other motorbike. I had to help get my bike unstuck by putting hay down. We got really muddy.

After we got back from the farm we went to miniputt with Kyra, Michaela and Masaki. We were really tired after a busy weekend.

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