Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The Japanese students come tomorrow!!!
I am doing the karanga to welcome them into our school.
I can't wait to finnally meet Aoi, I'm sure I can make her welcome and happy in N.Z.
One Japanese student from the group will also be doing a karaanga back to us , I understand how nervous she would be, she also only gets it on the way back to Masterton on the bus and has to learn it then.
Very exciting Can't wait
Georgiaxx :)

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Only six days to go until my student Aoi is here.
When she is here I want to go and do heaps of fun things like, bowling going to Staceys Nanas farm
and maybe go to the golf driving range.
I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its going to be so much fun I am sooooo looking forward to finnally meeting Aoi and she will become a life long friend. :D

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

I am very excited that my student is coming in 1 week.
I have done lots of fundraising to get enough money for going to Japan.
I have finally got enough money after doing a paper run for ages and i have finally got to finish doing that, i have also just finished doing all the pamphlets and am glad I have finally finished fundraising.
All the fundraising was worth it though, it will be a great experience and one that I am so glad to be on.
I can't wait to see Aoi and show her heaps of things in New Zealand.